From The Mayor
Since I stepped into the position as Mayor of Charlotte, January 2022, we have seen some exciting things come to fruition.
First, I want to thank our city staff for their continued dedication and hard work. They are highly committed to serving the City of Charlotte and always willing to address the concerns of our residents.
Second, I want to thank our Charlotte Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) and Fire Chief Narciso “Boy” Garza. The members of the CVFD volunteer their time and personal resources to serve and provide critical firefighter and first responder services within the department’s jurisdiction and to the residents of Charlotte. They are truly unsung heroes. I am committed to working with my colleagues on the City Council to provide the department the resources that it needs to ensure community and firefighter safety.
Library – As you may know, Ms. Raeven Cruz Mendiola is the city’s new librarian. She has done an amazing job and continues to find new ways to utilize the library to meet the needs of the community. If you have not had the opportunity to meet Ms. Cruz, please stop and introduce yourself and see what the library has to offer. You may also contact her at
Police Department – The City of Charlotte finally has a fulltime police department. I believe we have an exceptional Chief in Rick Luna and excellent officers who ready to serve and protect our community. We are starting to see changes within the community. Contact 911 for emergency calls or 830-771-0214 non-emergency calls.
Community Outreach – As many of you know the city in partnership with the San Antonio Food Bank has been conducting a monthly food distribution in Charlotte. Special thanks to all the volunteers who have been supporting this important effort. The food drive is bringing residents from different walks of life and ages together to help meet the needs of our community.
Infrastructure – When we think of infrastructure, first thing that comes to our minds are roads and there is no doubt we have many roads that need a lot of work. We are looking into grants and other possible resources to help with upgrading our roads throughout the city.
Water – Most residents are unaware that the current condition of our water system infrastructure is extremely outdated and challenged. Our team is working diligently to upgrade the city wells with a new and modern automated system. Our goal is to complete this in a two-phase project, which we aim to complete by the end of the year.
Sewer System – Like our water system, the city’s sewer system is outdated. The city has made strides to upgrade the existing system and has completed the first modernization phase with the addition of a new lift station. We are currently in the process of upgrading the rest of system to better serve the needs of the community and plan to have the second phase completed by the end of the year.
Building and facilities projects – We are looking at several grants to help upgrade the city’s park and baseball field. The city is going to submit applications to the Texas Parks and Wildlife for the baseball field and park project and a separate USDA Community Facilities Program application for a multipurpose facility that we hope will be a wonderful addition for the community. The proposed building would potentially house the police department, judicial office, and city hall. We plan to hold a public comment meeting by the end of the summer to present the concept project and receive public feedback.
We are also looking into grants that will help meet the needs of our volunteer fire department.
There remains a lot of work ahead of us, and we are aware of the many challenges. With your help we will address these challenges and work together for a better and stronger city.
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Mayor Stephen Porter